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Whole Yourself

Whole Yourself

Explore holistic wellbeing through Te Whare Tapa Whā with art-making and learn to love yourself as a whole.
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holistic wellbeing, resilience, wellbeing strategy

Whole Yourself

This is a transformative workshop designed to foster resilience, team connection, and holistic wellbeing. Drawing from the Māori health model, Te Whare Tapa Whā, this workshop uses free writing and visual art-making to help teams explore self-care and the interconnectedness of the five aspects of hauora.

​​Workshop Outline:

Introduction and Warm-up:

  • Welcome and warm-up exercises to establish a comfortable group dynamic

  • Mood check-ins and setting shared intentions for the session

  • Introduction to Te Whare Tapa Whā and its relevance to personal and professional wellbeing

Main Activities:

  • Te Whare Tapa Whā Discussion: Engage in group discussions around the four (or five) dimensions of wellbeing and how these principles can strengthen resilience and support team cohesion.

  • Creative Exploration: Teams will participate in art-based activities encouraging personal reflection and shared learning. Through creative expression, team members can better understand their wellbeing needs and learn practical ways to support each other in the workplace.

Team Benefits:

  • Enhance team resilience by building a deeper understanding of holistic wellbeing 

  • Strengthen connections within the team through shared creative experiences 

  • Develop strategies for personal and collective wellbeing that can be applied in the workplace Create a supportive environment that encourages self-care and mutual respect

Whole Yourself offers an innovative approach to team building and holistic wellbeing. It’s an ideal workshop for teams looking to cultivate a culture of care, creativity, and resilience.

Still not sure? Let's have a kōrero:

*Each workshop begins with a consultation call to tailor the session to your team’s unique needs. Workshop lengths vary based on group size, accommodating a minimum of three and a maximum of eight participants.

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