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Inner Champion

Inner Champion

Aims to uplift your teams by helping them become their own cheerleaders through mindful exercises, personal reflection, and creating a wearable art piece.
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resilience, wellbeing strategy, empowerment

Inner Champion

This is an uplifting workshop designed to inspire individuals to become their own cheerleaders and embrace their inner strengths. Through guided reflection, mindfulness exercises, and creative expression, this session encourages participants to connect with the voices that uplift and empower them, whether it’s their own or someone who has always been in their corner.

​​Workshop Outline:

Introduction and Warm-up:

  • A welcoming warm-up to set the tone and connect as a group

  • Introduction to the workshop’s focus on self-empowerment and positive self-affirmation

  • Mindful exercises to cultivate a mindset of support and encouragement

Main Activities:

  • Positive Self-Talk and Mindset Exploration: Teams will engage in discussions around the power of self-talk, identifying how positive affirmations and supportive inner dialogue can uplift personal wellbeing and team dynamics. This conversation will empower participants to reframe challenges and recognise their inner strengths.

  • Creative Art-Making: Through the creation of wearable art pieces, participants will embody their affirmations and personal strengths using colour, symbols, and design. This art-making process fosters a deeper connection to their inner champion, encouraging self-expression and positive reinforcement in a supportive team environment.

Team Benefits:

  • Develop personal strategies for self-motivation and resilience

  • Enhance self-awareness and the ability to nurture a positive inner dialogue

  • Build confidence and self-assurance that translates into professional and personal settings

  • Foster a supportive team environment where everyone is encouraged to lift each other up

Inner Champion is an empowering experience for teams looking to cultivate a culture of self-belief, encouragement, and mutual support. It’s a perfect fit for anyone seeking to embrace their inner cheerleader and rise to their full potential.

Still not sure? Let's have a kōrero:

*Each workshop begins with a consultation call to tailor the session to your team’s unique needs. Workshop lengths vary based on group size, accommodating a minimum of three and a maximum of eight participants.

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