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Dynamic Canvas

Dynamic Canvas

An expressive arts therapy workshop featuring small group art creation with limitations and a final collective creation to integrate and celebrate the art-making process.
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team building, wellbeing strategy, resilience

Dynamic Canvas

This is an expressive arts therapy workshop designed to deepen team connections through creative collaboration, artistic exploration, and performance. This unique experience combines art-making with movements and writing, offering a dynamic platform for team bonding and collective creativity.

​​Workshop Outline:

Introduction and Warm-up:

  • Engage in warm-up exercises to build group cohesion and set a creative mindset

  • Introduction to the workshop’s objectives, focusing on collaborative art-making and performance

  • Brief overview of the expressive arts process and its role in enhancing team dynamics

Main Activities:

  • Group Art Creation: Participants will be divided into small groups and given specific limitations to guide their art-making. This challenge encourages innovative thinking and teamwork.

  • Art Walk: After completing their pieces, groups will walk around to view and reflect on the artworks created by other teams. This reflective activity fosters appreciation and a deeper understanding of collective creativity.

  • Final Group Creation: The workshop culminates in a group creation where teams express their collective experience through more art-making. This activity integrates elements from the creative process and emphasises the collective journey.

Team Benefits:

  • Strengthen team bonds through shared creative experiences and collaborative problem-solving

  • Enhance communication and empathy by reflecting on and responding to others' artistic expressions

  • Explore innovative thinking and adaptability through art-making with limitations

  • Develop a sense of unity and collective achievement through the final performance

Dynamic Canvas offers a distinctive approach to team building by combining expressive arts with more than visual art-making. It’s ideal for teams looking to enhance their collaboration, foster deeper connections, and celebrate their collective journey through art.

Still not sure? Let's have a kōrero:

*Each workshop begins with a consultation call to tailor the session to your team’s unique needs. Workshop lengths vary based on group size, accommodating a minimum of three and a maximum of eight participants.

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